My Story

I was born in Barcelona (Spain) and currently live in Wisconsin (USA). My internal search for who I am and what I do here have led me to study and travel throughout my life. Searching for meaning and going beyond what the imposed parameters or my physical eyes can see.

The adventure of life is to discover yourself, finding within yourself inside what you’ve always looked for outside.

Through Yoga and Meditation, I began to experience the Love and Peace that resides in each of us. This led me to deepen an internal search for my true Self and the Truth.

I started studying Reiki, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, all at an energetic level. I was passionate about feeling the energy and frequency of each element, to communicate with it. What was not seen but could be experienced was waking up in me. I also studied Nutrition and Chinese Medicine; it’s based on the philosophy that illness is the result of inadequate flow of the life force (qi).

My first books on a spiritual level were “The Kybalion” by Hermes Trismegistus and “Metaphysics 4in1” by Conny Mendez. Both opened me up to a dimension where I could live a reality of Love and Peace where my Being was in Peace and Bliss that there are no words to describe.

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear” and the call of Sathya Sai Baba came to me, I’ve visited him twice in India. The Love that expanded his Presence is inexplicable, you just had to be there.

Later, with the Master Teacher’s teachings, I practiced A Course in Miracles, a mental training where you learn to quiet the mind, to let fall all the structures that you thought the world was built on and take responsibility for your awakening from the hand of Master Jesus.

The Way of the Heart (the first book of The Way of Mastery) is one of those books that teaches you the most beautiful thing, the heart, it opens it with great delicacy. You’ll never look at it the same. You continue to be as you were created, you are Love.

Drawing By Elsa Farrus

Drawing By Concha Morgades

With the Melchizedek Method based on the teachings of Thot (Hermes Trismegistus). It has led me to a deeper communication with the Masters and through the activation of the body of Light to be more aware of who I am.

The book I’m currently reading is “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch”. I had it for years on a shelf, it wasn’t the time until now… wow !!. Where Enoch, Melchizedek, Metatron and Miguel reveal to us the past, present and future of the planet. And prepare us for the times we are living in all its dimensionality.

My Gratitude and Love to all those who have taken me by the hand and have helped me in my awakening, be it with a phrase, with a look, with a book, with a course, or with a good talk.

My determination and discipline are a constant in my life, being honest with myself, staying up against the wind and tide of the game of the mind. And it’s when you get to know yourself, you no longer find what you were yesterday and you work for what is to come, because there is always more.

My Heart speaks to me, I listen to it and take action.

All my Love.

My Story

I was born in Barcelona (Spain) and currently live in Wisconsin (USA). My internal search for who I am and what I do here have led me to study and travel throughout my life. Searching for meaning and going beyond what the imposed parameters or my physical eyes can see.

The adventure of life is to discover yourself, finding within yourself inside what you’ve always looked for outside.

Through Yoga and Meditation, I began to experience the Love and Peace that resides in each of us. This led me to deepen an internal search for my true Self and the Truth.

I started studying Reiki, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, all at an energetic level. I was passionate about feeling the energy and frequency of each element, to communicate with it. What was not seen but could be experienced was waking up in me. I also studied Nutrition and Chinese Medicine; it’s based on the philosophy that illness is the result of inadequate flow of the life force (qi).

My first books on a spiritual level were “The Kybalion” by Hermes Trismegistus and “Metaphysics 4in1” by Conny Mendez. Both opened me up to a dimension where I could live a reality of Love and Peace where my Being was in Peace and Bliss that there are no words to describe.

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear” and the call of Sathya Sai Baba came to me, I’ve visited him twice in India. The Love that expanded his Presence is inexplicable, you just had to be there.

Later, with the Master Teacher’s teachings, I practiced A Course in Miracles, a mental training where you learn to quiet the mind, to let fall all the structures that you thought the world was built on and take responsibility for your awakening from the hand of Master Jesus.

The Way of the Heart (the first book of The Way of Mastery) is one of those books that teaches you the most beautiful thing, the heart, it opens it with great delicacy. You’ll never look at it the same. You continue to be as you were created, you are Love.

Drawing By Elsa Farrus

Drawing By Concha Morgades

With the Melchizedek Method based on the teachings of Thot (Hermes Trismegistus). It has led me to a deeper communication with the Masters and through the activation of the body of Light to be more aware of who I am.

The book I’m currently reading is “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch”. I had it for years on a shelf, it wasn’t the time until now… wow !!. Where Enoch, Melchizedek, Metatron and Miguel reveal to us the past, present and future of the planet. And prepare us for the times we are living in all its dimensionality.

My Gratitude and Love to all those who have taken me by the hand and have helped me in my awakening, be it with a phrase, with a look, with a book, with a course, or with a good talk.

My determination and discipline are a constant in my life, being honest with myself, staying up against the wind and tide of the game of the mind. And it’s when you get to know yourself, you no longer find what you were yesterday and you work for what is to come, because there is always more.

My Heart speaks to me, I listen to it and take action.

All my Love.

My Story

I was born in Barcelona (Spain) and currently live in Wisconsin (USA). My internal search for who I am and what I do here have led me to study and travel throughout my life. Searching for meaning and going beyond what the imposed parameters or my physical eyes can see.

The adventure of life is to discover yourself, finding within yourself inside what you’ve always looked for outside.

Through Yoga and Meditation, I began to experience the Love and Peace that resides in each of us. This led me to deepen an internal search for my true Self and the Truth.

I started studying Reiki, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, all at an energetic level. I was passionate about feeling the energy and frequency of each element, to communicate with it. What was not seen but could be experienced was waking up in me. I also studied Nutrition and Chinese Medicine; it’s based on the philosophy that illness is the result of inadequate flow of the life force (qi).

My first books on a spiritual level were “The Kybalion” by Hermes Trismegistus and “Metaphysics 4in1” by Conny Mendez. Both opened me up to a dimension where I could live a reality of Love and Peace where my Being was in Peace and Bliss that there are no words to describe.

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear” and the call of Sathya Sai Baba came to me, I’ve visited him twice in India. The Love that expanded his Presence is inexplicable, you just had to be there.

Later, with the Master Teacher’s teachings, I practiced A Course in Miracles, a mental training where you learn to quiet the mind, to let fall all the structures that you thought the world was built on and take responsibility for your awakening from the hand of Master Jesus.

The Way of the Heart (the first book of The Way of Mastery) is one of those books that teaches you the most beautiful thing, the heart, it opens it with great delicacy. You’ll never look at it the same. You continue to be as you were created, you are Love.


With the Melchizedek Method based on the teachings of Thot (Hermes Trismegistus). It has led me to a deeper communication with the Masters and through the activation of the body of Light to be more aware of who I am.

The book I’m currently reading is “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch”. I had it for years on a shelf, it wasn’t the time until now… wow !!. Where Enoch, Melchizedek, Metatron and Miguel reveal to us the past, present and future of the planet. And prepare us for the times we are living in all its dimensionality.

My Gratitude and Love to all those who have taken me by the hand and have helped me in my awakening, be it with a phrase, with a look, with a book, with a course, or with a good talk.

My determination and discipline are a constant in my life, being honest with myself, staying up against the wind and tide of the game of the mind. And it’s when you get to know yourself, you no longer find what you were yesterday and you work for what is to come, because there is always more.

My Heart speaks to me, I listen to it and take action.

All my Love.

Drawing By Concha Morgades