What is the Melchizedek Method

The Melchizedek Method is a new and revolutionary form of physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual healing. Reverses the aging process and activates the body of Light, Merkaba.

The Melchizedek Method establishes a constant flow of loving energy between the human heart, the Divine Source and the Earth. By connecting in this way we are allowed to attract the original energies of God and Earth to unify them and manifest a high frequency Healing Loving Energy.

The Hologram of Love is the basis for these extraordinary spiritual teachings and is the simplest and most powerful ascension tool presented to humanity to date. The techniques presented in the MELCHIZEDEK METHOD seminar are fast, simple and powerful, perfect for these times of ascension.

Alton Kamadon has been the founder of the Melchizedek Method. He was responsible for anchoring the vibration of The Kamadon Order of Mastery of Unconditional Love to the earth plane.

In August 1997 the Ascended Master Thoth presented Alton with a new perspective to enter into ascension and Merkabah Light Body activation, and introduced a new modality of holographic healing. He called this new/old wisdom: “THE MELCHIZEDEK METHOD”. Thoth imprinted on Alton these new/old techniques that were first practiced on Earth by Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) within the temples of personal discovery and higher learning in Atlantis.

What is the Melchizedek Method

The Melchizedek Method is a new and revolutionary form of physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual healing. Reverses the aging process and activates the body of Light, Merkaba.

The Melchizedek Method establishes a constant flow of loving energy between the human heart, the Divine Source and the Earth. By connecting in this way we are allowed to attract the original energies of God and Earth to unify them and manifest a high frequency Healing Loving Energy.

The Hologram of Love is the basis for these extraordinary spiritual teachings and is the simplest and most powerful ascension tool presented to humanity to date. The techniques presented in the MELCHIZEDEK METHOD seminar are fast, simple and powerful, perfect for these times of ascension.

Alton Kamadon has been the founder of the Melchizedek Method. He was responsible for anchoring the vibration of The Kamadon Order of Mastery of Unconditional Love to the earth plane.

In August 1997 the Ascended Master Thoth presented Alton with a new perspective to enter into ascension and Merkabah Light Body activation, and introduced a new modality of holographic healing. He called this new/old wisdom: “THE MELCHIZEDEK METHOD”. Thoth imprinted on Alton these new/old techniques that were first practiced on Earth by Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) within the temples of personal discovery and higher learning in Atlantis.

What is the Melchizedek Method

The Melchizedek Method is a new and revolutionary form of physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual healing. Reverses the aging process and activates the body of Light, Merkaba.

The Melchizedek Method establishes a constant flow of loving energy between the human heart, the Divine Source and the Earth. By connecting in this way we are allowed to attract the original energies of God and Earth to unify them and manifest a high frequency Healing Loving Energy.

The Hologram of Love is the basis for these extraordinary spiritual teachings and is the simplest and most powerful ascension tool presented to humanity to date. The techniques presented in the MELCHIZEDEK METHOD seminar are fast, simple and powerful, perfect for these times of ascension.

Alton Kamadon has been the founder of the Melchizedek Method. He was responsible for anchoring the vibration of The Kamadon Order of Mastery of Unconditional Love to the earth plane.

In August 1997 the Ascended Master Thoth presented Alton with a new perspective to enter into ascension and Merkabah Light Body activation, and introduced a new modality of holographic healing. He called this new/old wisdom: “THE MELCHIZEDEK METHOD”. Thoth imprinted on Alton these new/old techniques that were first practiced on Earth by Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) within the temples of personal discovery and higher learning in Atlantis.

Five Seminar Levels

Five Seminar Levels

The Melchizedek Method consists of 5 levels and connects you directly to Ascension energies. You access 5th dimensional energies (and beyond) which increases your Light quotient. You are raised vibrationally and learn to step into your Mastery.

Level One, the heart awakens and opens more to unconditional love during meditations, activations and healing sessions and this opening continues during your normal life. The tool of the Hologram of Love is a high dimensional active conscious living Divine manifestation that accesses all levels of consciousness.

Level Two introduces you to a cosmic thought wave patterning that enables one to perceive and create the incoming Fifth Dimension reality of divine light and unconditional love. It allows the brain to activate as yet unused chambers within itself activating a collage of higher wisdom and experiences to magnetically manifest before you. The inner sanctum of your mind is opened to allow cosmic consciousness to be experienced.

In Level Three you manifested the whole Adam Kadmon 33 layered light body, and then through the Kamadon Temple light shield you travelled through the single eye of God in an assimilated ascension.

Level Four is a quantum leap from the previous Melchizedek Method Level Three.  It is essential at this time of human and planetary evolution that as many people as possible continue to seek and activate the highest degree of light within their body cells.

Level Five, known as “The Zenith Effect” (the highest point).  One Path of Vision” not only allows us to accelerate our personal ascension, but collectively we release these powerful 5th dimensional encoded sacred super power balls of love into the planetary 555 human Cosmic Christ Consciousness electromagnetic thought grid to serve the continuous advancement of humanity.

M.M. Level 1 and 2

M.M. Level 3

M.M. Level 4

M.M. Level 5

Five Seminar Levels

The Melchizedek Method consists of 5 levels and connects you directly to Ascension energies. You access 5th dimensional energies (and beyond) which increases your Light quotient. You are raised vibrationally and learn to step into your Mastery.

Level One, the heart awakens and opens more to unconditional love during meditations, activations and healing sessions and this opening continues during your normal life. The tool of the Hologram of Love is a high dimensional active conscious living Divine manifestation that accesses all levels of consciousness.

Level Two introduces you to a cosmic thought wave patterning that enables one to perceive and create the incoming Fifth Dimension reality of divine light and unconditional love. It allows the brain to activate as yet unused chambers within itself activating a collage of higher wisdom and experiences to magnetically manifest before you. The inner sanctum of your mind is opened to allow cosmic consciousness to be experienced.

In Level Three you manifested the whole Adam Kadmon 33 layered light body, and then through the Kamadon Temple light shield you travelled through the single eye of God in an assimilated ascension.

Level Four is a quantum leap from the previous Melchizedek Method Level Three.  It is essential at this time of human and planetary evolution that as many people as possible continue to seek and activate the highest degree of light within their body cells.

Level Five, known as “The Zenith Effect” (the highest point).  One Path of Vision” not only allows us to accelerate our personal ascension, but collectively we release these powerful 5th dimensional encoded sacred super power balls of love into the planetary 555 human Cosmic Christ Consciousness electromagnetic thought grid to serve the continuous advancement of humanity.

M.M. Level 1 and 2

M.M. Level 3

M.M. Level 4

M.M. Level 5

The Melchizedek Method consists of 5 levels and connects you directly to Ascension energies. You access 5th dimensional energies (and beyond) which increases your Light quotient. You are raised vibrationally and learn to step into your Mastery.

Level One, the heart awakens and opens more to unconditional love during meditations, activations and healing sessions and this opening continues during your normal life. The tool of the Hologram of Love is a high dimensional active conscious living Divine manifestation that accesses all levels of consciousness.

Level Two introduces you to a cosmic thought wave patterning that enables one to perceive and create the incoming Fifth Dimension reality of divine light and unconditional love. It allows the brain to activate as yet unused chambers within itself activating a collage of higher wisdom and experiences to magnetically manifest before you. The inner sanctum of your mind is opened to allow cosmic consciousness to be experienced.

In Level Three you manifested the whole Adam Kadmon 33 layered light body, and then through the Kamadon Temple light shield you travelled through the single eye of God in an assimilated ascension.

Level Four is a quantum leap from the previous Melchizedek Method Level Three.  It is essential at this time of human and planetary evolution that as many people as possible continue to seek and activate the highest degree of light within their body cells.

Level Five, known as “The Zenith Effect” (the highest point).  One Path of Vision” not only allows us to accelerate our personal ascension, but collectively we release these powerful 5th dimensional encoded sacred super power balls of love into the planetary 555 human Cosmic Christ Consciousness electromagnetic thought grid to serve the continuous advancement of humanity.

M.M. Level 1 and 2

M.M. Level 3

M.M. Level 4

M.M. Level 5