Fifth Dimensional Energy

In a safe and supportive environment for healing, you work with Fifth Dimensional Energy, the Melchizedek Method, Sacred Geometry/Holographic Healing, with Divine energy, and above all, the guidance of the spirit.

This alchemical approach facilitates deep healing that brings balance and harmony, and helps clear/heal dysfunctional energy from all four bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual). This cleaning process releases energy that has been imprinted and locked in the 4 bodies, creating dysfunctional habits and patterns that we long to correct and heal. This imprinted energy can come from abuse, emotional issues, spiritual limitations and beliefs.

The Process of Release

The release process will not happen overnight.  It is a beautiful process that takes time and allows a person to release what no longer serves them, bringing them closer to their life purpose, to their deepest truths that allow peace, invite abundance and their own inner light to shine.

The will of each one to free themselves from old patterns that no longer serve is key to the process.  Healing is based on trust.  It is up to you, how deep you will allow the process to go and how much you are willing to work.

We accompany you in this process and offer tools, healing sessions and workshops for those who are ready to deepen their personal journey, allowing them to walk a brighter path.

Melchizedek Healing

In Person and Online: $65

To book a session, please click on the service inquiry button and fill out the short form.

Fifth Dimensional Energy

In a safe and supportive environment for healing, you work with Fifth Dimensional Energy, the Melchizedek Method, Sacred Geometry/Holographic Healing, with Divine energy, and above all, the guidance of the spirit.

This alchemical approach facilitates deep healing that brings balance and harmony, and helps clear/heal dysfunctional energy from all four bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual).

This cleaning process releases energy that has been imprinted and locked in the 4 bodies, creating dysfunctional habits and patterns that we long to correct and heal.

This imprinted energy can come from abuse, emotional issues, spiritual limitations and beliefs.

The Process of Release

The release process will not happen overnight.  It is a beautiful process that takes time and allows a person to release what no longer serves them, bringing them closer to their life purpose, to their deepest truths that allow peace, invite abundance and their own inner light to shine.

The will of each one to free themselves from old patterns that no longer serve is key to the process.  Healing is based on trust.  It is up to you, how deep you will allow the process to go and how much you are willing to work.

We accompany you in this process and offer tools, healing sessions and workshops for those who are ready to deepen their personal journey, allowing them to walk a brighter path.

Melchizedek Healing

In Person and Online: $65

To book a session, please click on the service inquiry button and fill out the short form.

Fifth Dimensional Energy

In a safe and supportive environment for healing, you work with  Fifth Dimensional Energy, the Melchizedek Method, Sacred Geometry/Holographic Healing, with Divine energy, and above all, the guidance of the spirit.

This alchemical approach facilitates deep healing that brings balance and harmony, and helps clear/heal dysfunctional energy from all four bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual).  This cleaning process  releases energy that has been imprinted and locked in the 4 bodies, creating dysfunctional habits and patterns that we long to correct and heal.  This imprinted energy can come from abuse, emotional issues, spiritual limitations and beliefs.

The Process of Release

The release process will not happen overnight.  It is a beautiful process that takes time and allows a person to release what no longer serves them, bringing them closer to their life purpose, to their deepest truths that allow peace, invite abundance and their own inner light to shine.

The will of each one to free themselves from old patterns that no longer serve is key to the process.  Healing is based on trust.  It is up to you, how deep you will allow the process to go and how much you are willing to work.

We accompany you in this process and offer tools, healing sessions and workshops for those who are ready to deepen their personal journey, allowing them to walk a brighter path.

Melchizedek Healing

In Person and Online: $65

To book a session, please click on the service inquiry button and fill out the short form.