Melchizedek Method Level 1 and 2

This four day course is a demonstration of how to open the heart to Unconditional Love, to serve, heal and enlighten ourselves and others. This level combines ancient Egyptian, Mayan, Hebrew and Kabbalah wisdom.

Level Two of the Melchizedek Method is indeed a quantum leap from Level One and will be experienced as preparation for true spiritual mastership within an ascending consciousness.

Level Two also introduces you to a cosmic thought wave patterning that enables one to perceive and create the incoming Fifth Dimension reality of divine light and unconditional love. It allows the brain to activate as yet unused chambers within itself activating a collage of higher wisdom and experiences to magnetically manifest before you.

At the end of the seminar, Lord Melchizedek will complete the course with an initiation ceremony in Love with an open heart.

Melchizedek Method Level 1 and 2

This four day course is a demonstration of how to open the heart to Unconditional Love, to serve, heal and enlighten ourselves and others.  This level combines ancient Egyptian, Mayan, Hebrew and Kabbalah wisdom.

Level Two of the Melchizedek Method is indeed a quantum leap from Level One and will be experienced as preparation for true spiritual mastership within an ascending consciousness.

Level Two also introduces you to a cosmic thought wave patterning that enables one to perceive and create the incoming Fifth Dimension reality of divine light and unconditional love. It allows the brain to activate as yet unused chambers within itself activating a collage of higher wisdom and experiences to magnetically manifest before you.

At the end of the seminar, Lord Melchizedek will complete the course with an initiation ceremony in Love with an open heart.

Core Objectives

Level 1

The basis of the Techniques presented in Level 1 is to activate the rotation of the Light Field of the Merkaba Hologram of Love to awaken the Spherical Consciousness.  Thus the quotient of light vibration within the human atomic cell structure is raised. Once activated, the practitioner’s healing abilities are increased by 100%.  The heart awakens and opens more to Unconditional Love during healing sessions and continues in everyday life.

The Love Hologram Tool is an Active, Elevated, Living, Inter-dimensional Consciousness of Divine Manifestation that gives us access to all levels of consciousness.  It has the ability to heal and rejuvenate any type of creation since it is the Holographic Pattern of the Living Consciousness of the Vibration of God, Origin of everything.

Level 2

Level Two of the Melchizedek Method is truly a quantum leap from Level One and will be experienced as a preparation for true spiritual mastery within ascending consciousness.  Updated Melchizedek Method healing techniques reveal a quantum leap in evolution, further empowering healers and individuals who are interested in their own harmony, and granting advanced tools to attune and heal their physical vessels in ways beyond the comprehension of conventional healers.

Equipped with the power of the Orbital Merkaba of Love, practitioners of the Melchizedek Method are more prepared than ever for their journey of service to humanity as well as their own ascension.

Core Objectives

Level 1

The basis of the Techniques presented in Level 1 is to activate the rotation of the Light Field of the Merkaba Hologram of Love to awaken the Spherical Consciousness.  Thus the quotient of light vibration within the human atomic cell structure is raised. Once activated, the practitioner’s healing abilities are increased by 100%.  The heart awakens and opens more to Unconditional Love during healing sessions and continues in everyday life.

The Love Hologram Tool is an Active, Elevated, Living, Inter-dimensional Consciousness of Divine Manifestation that gives us access to all levels of consciousness.  It has the ability to heal and rejuvenate any type of creation since it is the Holographic Pattern of the Living Consciousness of the Vibration of God, Origin of everything.

Level 2

Level Two of the Melchizedek Method is truly a quantum leap from Level One and will be experienced as a preparation for true spiritual mastery within ascending consciousness.  Updated Melchizedek Method healing techniques reveal a quantum leap in evolution, further empowering healers and individuals who are interested in their own harmony, and granting advanced tools to attune and heal their physical vessels in ways beyond the comprehension of conventional healers.

Equipped with the power of the Orbital Merkaba of Love, practitioners of the Melchizedek Method are more prepared than ever for their journey of service to humanity as well as their own ascension.

Contents of the Level 1 & 2 Workshop:

  • Activation of the Merkaba Triple Hologram of Love with 3 breaths
  • Activation of the  Merkaba Orbital of Love
  • Chakra recoding
  • The Oneness Holographic Awareness Mudra.
  • 33 chakras to heal the Human Experience.

  • Access to the Time-Space Continuum through the spine.
  • Activation of the pineal with the Codification of the five Sacred languages: Egyptian, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese.

  • Opening of the ancient seals of wisdom inside the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx
  • Activation of the Ankh in the body through the zero point in the body
  • Abundance Technique with the Orbital Merkaba
  • Orbital Holographic Healing of Love to apply to oneself and others
  • …and more

Contents of the Level 1 & 2 Workshop:

  • Activation of the Merkaba Triple Hologram of Love with 3 breaths
  • Activation of the  Merkaba Orbital of Love
  • Chakra recoding
  • The Oneness Holographic Awareness Mudra.
  • 33 chakras to heal the Human Experience.
  • Access to the Time-Space Continuum through the spine.
  • Activation of the pineal with the Codification of the five Sacred languages: Egyptian, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese.

  • Opening of the ancient seals of wisdom inside the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx
  • Activation of the Ankh in the body through the zero point in the body
  • Abundance Technique with the Orbital Merkaba
  • Orbital Holographic Healing of Love to apply to oneself and others
  • …and more

In Person and Online

Four full days of approximately 7 hours each on 4 consecutive days or 2 consecutive weekends.

Hours: From 9am to 5pm (CST)

Requirements: None

Latin America 363 US$
Europe: 450 Euro €
US: 555 US$

Materials: Manual.
Shipping by the student.


Contents of the Level 1 & 2 Workshop:

  • Activation of the Merkaba Triple Hologram of Love with 3 breaths
  • Activation of the Merkaba Orbital of Love
  • Chakra recoding
  • The Oneness Holographic Awareness Mudra.
  • 33 chakras to heal the Human Experience.
  • Access to the Time-Space Continuum through the spine.
  • Activation of the pineal with the Codification of the five Sacred languages: Egyptian, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese.
  • Opening of the ancient seals of wisdom inside the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx
  • Activation of the Ankh in the body through the zero point in the body
  • Abundance Technique with the Orbital Merkaba
  • Orbital Holographic Healing of Love to apply to oneself and others
  • …and more

Recommended Book:

The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.

Seven Hermetic principles:

1. The principle of mentalism
2. The principle of correspondence
3. The principle of vibration
4. The principle of polarity
5. The principle of rhythm
6. The principle of cause and effect
7. The principle of gender