Melchizedek Method Level 3

Level Three of the Melchizedek Method can be described as an Initiation into the Mastery Order of the Kamadon Temple of Higher Teaching, of Knowledge and Wisdom of God’s Unconditional Love through the New Merkabah of Oneness of Love.

There are many such temple structures like Kamadon residing in the higher dimensions of light that one can access within meditative journeys. But Kamadon has been designed with the single intent to serve humanity within its quest for ascension.

It is a structure that, upon entering, you will observe as being alive and without limitation. It is as if you can see or sense its shape, but upon entering you become aware that it is an entry way or portal to other worlds of knowledge and wisdom.

Melchizedek Method Level 3

Level Three of the Melchizedek Method can be described as an Initiation into the Mastery Order of the Kamadon Temple of Higher Teaching, of Knowledge and Wisdom of God’s Unconditional Love through the New Merkabah of Oneness of Love.

There are many such temple structures like Kamadon residing in the higher dimensions of light that one can access within meditative journeys. But Kamadon has been designed with the single intent to serve humanity within its quest for ascension.

It is a structure that, upon entering, you will observe as being alive and without limitation. It is as if you can see or sense its shape, but upon entering you become aware that it is an entry way or portal to other worlds of knowledge and wisdom.

Core Objectives


There are many levels of higher vibration within the Mastery of the Order of Melchizedek, and Kamadon is one of those higher orders of Mastery.

“Kamadon” is an anagram of the name Adam Kadmon, the name given to our Light Body, the “archetype” or prototype of humanity. This is the divine form that contains the essence of YHVH, God.

The Kamadon Temple of Light of Unconditional Love will be drawn to Earth through the unified teachings of love as we set out in Level Three of the Melchizedek Method.

Those who want to participate in the Three Levels of this ancient/new wisdom will see themselves as Kamadon Masters whose sole purpose will be to accept God’s great plan for this planet, its people, and the Universe, that plan being one of the oneness of love within the divine light of service to our brothers and sisters, serving ourselves and God.

Level Three:

Level Three of the Melchizedek Method will be presented by the Melchizedek Elders. Their combined presences and energies will be felt as guides every day, until the final day of initiation. They will be side by side with the Melchizedek Elders, transmitting their ancient and divine codifications to them. When these encodings enter your cellular structure, they will awaken the divine purpose of your creation. They will be recognized as Kamadon Masters in the Order of Melchizedek.

Holographic healing will again be a very important part, presenting the concept of 33 multiple holograms connected to the 33 chakras, rotating at a higher speed in the Cosmic Christ Consciousness to create a more accelerated healing process.

Core Objectives


There are many levels of higher vibration within the Mastery of the Order of Melchizedek, and Kamadon is one of those higher orders of Mastery.

“Kamadon” is an anagram of the name Adam Kadmon, the name given to our Light Body, the “archetype” or prototype of humanity. This is the divine form that contains the essence of YHVH, God.

The Kamadon Temple of Light of Unconditional Love will be drawn to Earth through the unified teachings of love as we set out in Level Three of the Melchizedek Method.

Those who want to participate in the Three Levels of this ancient/new wisdom will see themselves as Kamadon Masters whose sole purpose will be to accept God’s great plan for this planet, its people, and the Universe, that plan being one of the oneness of love within the divine light of service to our brothers and sisters, serving ourselves and God.

Level Three:

Level Three of the Melchizedek Method will be presented by the Melchizedek Elders. Their combined presences and energies will be felt as guides every day, until the final day of initiation. They will be side by side with the Melchizedek Elders, transmitting their ancient and divine codifications to them. When these encodings enter your cellular structure, they will awaken the divine purpose of your creation. They will be recognized as Kamadon Masters in the Order of Melchizedek.

Holographic healing will again be a very important part, presenting the concept of 33 multiple holograms connected to the 33 chakras, rotating at a higher speed in the Cosmic Christ Consciousness to create a more accelerated healing process.

Contents of the Level 3 Workshop:

  • Unify the techniques of the Melchizedek Method of Level One and Level Two with the new Merkabah of Oneness.
  • Activate and transfer the ancestral codings of the Earth Guardian Kamadon Crystal.
  • Activate the 33 chakra system through the Pillar of Light.
  • Activate the 33rd degree of the Body of Light Adam Kadmon.
  • Release the Mysteries and merge with the Temple of Light Kamadon of Love.
  • Travel through the secret passages and the Greater Halls of Wisdom of Kamadon.

Contents of the Level 3 Workshop:

  • Unify the techniques of the Melchizedek Method of Level One and Level Two with the new Merkabah of Oneness.
  • Activate and transfer the ancestral codings of the Earth Guardian Kamadon Crystal.
  • Activate the 33 chakra system through the Pillar of Light.
  • Activate the 33rd degree of the Body of Light Adam Kadmon.
  • Release the Mysteries and merge with the Temple of Light Kamadon of Love.
  • Travel through the secret passages and the Greater Halls of Wisdom of Kamadon.
  • Introduction, work and reception of the divine codifications of the 144000 Melchizedek Elders.
  • A conversation with God.
  • Melchizedek University in the Pleiades.
  • A worldwide Meditation of love, connecting the Christic Network with the Universal Cosmic Consciousness through our Solar System and the Sun.
  • Advanced Holographic Healing with Kamadon Light Formulas.
  • Initiation into the Order of Kamadon, A Universal Mastery of Love.
  • …and more
  • Introduction, work and reception of the divine codifications of the 144000 Melchizedek Elders.

  • A conversation with God.
  • Melchizedek University in the Pleiades.
  • A worldwide Meditation of love, connecting the Christic Network with the Universal Cosmic Consciousness through our Solar System and the Sun.
  • Advanced Holographic Healing with Kamadon Light Formulas.

  • Initiation into the Order of Kamadon, A Universal Mastery of Love.
  • …and more

In Person and Online

Duration: Three full days of approximately 7 hours each on 3 consecutive days.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm (CST)

Requirements: Completed levels 1 and 2.

Latin America 363 US$
Europe: 450 Euro €
US: 555 US$

​​Materials: Manual
Shipping by the student
